Please read these user terms carefully before using our service

These Terms and Conditions apply to the use of our services including the purchase of services. This Agreement contains the complete Terms and Conditions that apply to users and others who interact with Winners Ticket. By using Winners Ticket, constitutes your acceptance of and agreement to all of these Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy, and your representation that you are eighteen (18) years of age or older and capable of entering into legally binding contracts.

If you object to anything in these Terms and Conditions or the Privacy Policy, you are not permitted to use the Site and the services offered by Winners Ticket.

By using the Service, you agree to be legally bound and to abide by the Terms of Service, just as if you had signed this Agreement. If you do not comply and/or continue to comply with the Terms of Service, TPAL may terminate your right to access the service.

  1. Definitions and interpretation
    1.1 In these Terms and Conditions:

Winners Ticket means Fi-Fit Services Pty Ltd (ACN 626 283 645), its agents, officers, employees, contractors, successors and advisers.

Content means any and all data, text, document, software, images, audio or video material and other content, in any medium, provided by Winners Ticket to you;

Document means a document you order which is generated by our service;

Lawyer means an Australian legal practitioner;

Product means a document or other service which you order using our Service;

Professional Adviser means a lawyer concerning whether a document or product is appropriate or suits your needs or its legal implications

You means the person using our service, including a person using our service as agent of another person in which case ‘you’ means the agent or the agent’s principal, or both the agent and the agent’s principal;

1.2 the singular includes the plural and vice versa; and

1.3 a reference to currency is a reference to Australian dollars.

1.4 You agree that each of these definitions has the same meaning wherever they appear on our website.

  1. Accessing or Using the Site
    2.1 You acknowledge and agree that although we will use all reasonable efforts to ensure that the services offered by Winners Ticket are available, temporary interruptions of the services may occur. We shall not be liable to any person or entity for loss or damage incurred by such downtimes.
    2.2 All content and services provided by Winners Ticket are provided “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” for your use. The content is provided without warranties or conditions of any kind either express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties and conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. You use Winners Ticket solely at your risk.
    2.3 We reserve the right to withdraw or amend our services without notice.
  2. Scope of Services
    3.1 Winners Ticket is a facilitator who provides services related to the carrying out of Trade Promotions and Raffles including facilitating chance based competitions and random draws.
    3.2 The Winners Ticket service allows Users to:
    (a) Upload a file in a specified file format within a specified file size limit, containing competition entries in rows,
    (b) Immediately draw or schedule a random draw, based on the randomdraws.com.au™ draw methodology
    (c) View and download the generated winners
    (d) Keep records of past draws
  1. Authority to Contact You
    4.1 You authorise and request Winners Ticket to receive your information for the purposes of carrying out a random draw in accordance with the Trade Promotion or Raffle that you have entered.
    4.2 You further authorise Winners Ticket to contact you regarding the outcome of any random draw and for the purposes of commercial marketing products that we think may be of interest to you offered by us or third parties.  You may withdraw this consent at any time by contacting us or by following the Unsubscribe instructions provided with any message from us.
    4.3 For more information on how we deal with your personal information, please see our Privacy Policy here [link].
  2. No Liability
    5.1 Winners Ticket:
    (a) does not accept responsibility for any of the information submitted to any regulatory body,
    (b) will not be liable for any and all injuries, illnesses, damages, claims, liabilities, losses and costs suffered by or related to any of its services.
  1. General
    6.1 Winners Ticket is not a government or regulatory body or a law firm and does not provide any legal or financial advice.  Any advice is of a general nature only.
    6.2 Winners Ticket agrees to provide you with a licence to use its services on the condition that you accept these Terms and Conditions and pay our fees in the way required. The licence is not transferable. The licence begins on the day you use our service, and ends in accordance with these Terms and Conditions (see below).
    6.3 Winners Ticket acknowledges that it has taken all reasonable steps to generate the random winners;
    6.4 These Terms and Conditions are governed by and are to be read and interpreted according to the laws of the State of Queensland, Australia. Winners Ticket and you irrevocably and unconditionally submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in that jurisdiction. You may not argue, on the basis of the doctrine of forum non conveniens or any other basis, that the courts of that jurisdiction should not exercise jurisdiction.